From Global Voices Online:
The Chinese blogsphere took a substantial step closer to the blogblogrevolution late last month when the very ‘bull’ (Chinese for cool) and well-known blogger Luo Yonghao (ÁΩóÊ∞∏ʵ©) rounded up all the hippest, smartest and most progressive of bloggers on his list and launched his blog aggregator of sorts. Just a few of the names found there: Ran Yunfei (ÂÜâ‰∫ëÈ£û), He Weifang (Ë¥∫Âç´Êñπ), Chai Jing (Êü¥Èùô), He Caitou (ÂíåËèú§¥), Lian Yue (ËøûÂ≤≥), Milk Pig (•∂Áå™) and the blogger some consider the best in China, Wang Xiaofeng (ÁéãÂ∞èÂ≥∞). [Full Text]