Dozens of middle school students in southern China were sickened in a hepatitis A outbreak that authorities linked to contaminated well water and poor sanitation, the official Xinhua News Agency said Friday.
The outbreak at Fengshan Town No. 2 Middle School in the Guangxi region has led to the hospitalization of 112 students, Xinhua said, citing Gong Jian, head of the Guangxi center for disease control and prevention.
Twenty-one students are confirmed to have hepatitis A, Xinhua said. The rest show symptoms of the liver disease, which can cause jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea.
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Related article from The Economist: “B is for bigotry,” says”IN CHINA, as elsewhere, people with HIV/AIDS often suffer discrimination. But a far bigger group of virus carriers in China encounters similar bigotry. For 130m Chinese carrying the hepatitis B virus, which can cause fatal liver diseases, it can be hard to get a job”or even a decent education, as a group of schoolchildren in the far west recently found out.”