For the first time, the Guangzhou government made public their official budget for 114 different city-level departments and agencies. The domestic news report is here. According to, all contents were presented as graphics in a massive 2.08 Gigabyte file, which takes several hours to download.
However, some netizens did take the time to download the file, and reported on what they found. Here are some sample numbers excerpted from the Public Security Bureau budget:
* Public Security Bureau Kindergarten (机关幼儿园): RMB 11,993, 000
* Domestic security and protection (国内安全保卫) [a department set up to deal with political dissidents]: RMB 8,200,000
* Internet investigation and management (网络侦控管理): RMB 6,000,000
* Anti-terrorism (反恐怖): RMB 800,000
Each department on the report has significant amounts of money budgeted to “Other Expenses.” In the Subway Bureau Budget, “Other Expenses” is RMB 23,387,900, or one-third of the total budget.
Read also: Government budget goes public online in Guangzhou from