Censorship Vault: Black Kilns, Democracy Stimulation, Suicide Games

Censorship Vault: Black Kilns, Democracy Stimulation, Suicide Games

In partnership with the China Copyright and Media blog, CDT is adding the “” series to the Censorship Vault. These directives were originally published on Canyu.org (Participate) and date from 2005 to 2007. According to Canyu, the directives were issued by the Beijing Municipal Network Management Office and the State Council Internet management departments and provided to to Canyu by insiders. China Copyright and Media has not verified the source.

The translations are by Rogier Creemers of China Copyright and Media.

14 June 2007, 19:48:04

First level: Do not reprint reports and comments related to the television drama examination fee, all websites are requested to delete existing related content.

14 June 2007, 19:40:55

First level: Please deal with reports on the incident of the “Shanxi black kilns” according to the following requirements.

All websites: Concerning the “Shanxi black kilns” incident, it is necessary to reprint more of the situation that the central and local government earnestly investigate and prosecute this incident, the circumstance of labor abuse in the black kilns may not be overly played up in titles, delete images and articles that describe the situation excessively. Interactive segments must delete harmful information that seizes the opportunity to attack the Party and the government.

14 June 2007, 18:44:47

Third level: Do not play up the matter of the Peking University professor who sent a letter to the Minister of Education after being dismissed.

All websites, concerning the matter of a Peking University Professor who sent a letter to state his circumstances to the Minister of Education after being dismissed, all websites may not put this in the important news section, may not establish special subjects, interactive segments are not to actively organize discussion.

15 June 2007, 21:37:14

First level: Please do not reprint reports concerning the Greenpeace organization’s convention of a press conference in Beijing; please do not reprint untrue reports of non-governmental organizations concerning agricultural, genetics, and biology.

15 June 2007, 23:46:27

First level: Concerning the Shanxi “black kiln” incident, all websites must strengthen positive propaganda strength, and report more on the powerful steps that have been adopted by central and relevant local governments, news trackers must be closed for corresponding reports, and expand management over forums, blogs, instant communication, and other interactive segments and tools, and delete harmful information seizing the opportunity to attack the Party and the government as soon as possible.

16 June 2007, 22:32:46

First level: The text “Calls to Cancel Interest Tax Increase Daily – No Motion Yet in Ministry of Finance” published by the website of Caijing Magazine is gravely inaccurate, all websites are requested not to reprint it, where it has been reprinted, please immediately delete it; the said article may not be posted or disseminated in forums, blogs, and other interactive segments. All websites are required to delete it and clean it up before 11 o’clock.

18 June 2007, 11:25:31

Third level: All websites are requested to speed up the setup of the “network media red homeland” special subject; it mush be online on 15:00 this Friday; the position of the special subject must be maintained.

All websites: The “Fourth (2007) Beijing Network Media Red Homeland” will start this Saturday, the subject of this red homeland is “Fourth (2007) Beijing Network Media Red Homeland – Finding the Footprints of the Revolution, Experiencing the Vitality of Guangxi.” All websites are requested to fully give rein to their information dissemination specializations and technological expertise, grasp the time to make a special subject of this event, strive to enrich content and make display forms diverse.

All websites are requested to put the event special subject online before 15:00 on Friday, and set up a special subject access point on the main page of websites and the middle part of the important news section; during the activity period, the special subject access point must be maintained on the main page of websites and the middle part of the important news section.

19 June 2007, 08:25:36

Third level: Please ensure that there are no search results for the following keywords; interactive segments are to set these up as filter words:

“Arrival,” “the worst six kinds of people in China today,” “the worst six kinds of people in China,” “concerning the suggestion to establish a committee to stimulate democracy and its eight political positions,” “establish democratic + stimulation committee,” “committee to stimulate democracy eight political positions,” “China democracy stimulation committee,” “democratic stimulation committee.”

All search engines are requested to ensure there are no search results for the above keywords; interactive segments are to set these up as filter words.

19 June 2007, 22:26:56

If the text “Zheng Xiaoyu’s Two Lawyers Publish ‘Rare’ Nine Legal Documents” is reprinted, please immediately delete it.

19 June 2007, 22:26:56

Third level: When reprinting corruption cases, pay attention to the following few points:

(1) Concerning large and major corruption cases, there must be one report per case, no special subjects may be set up, no links to related incidents or reports on related persons may be made, only reprint copy from Xinhua Net and People’s Daily Net;

(2) Do not reprint reports on cases where the corrupt person has deceased or sentenced to death;

(3) Do not play up the issue of shuanggui, the word “shuanggui” cannot be used in the titles of pages at all levels;

(4) Interactive segments are requested to implement management according to the above requirements.

19 June 2007, 22:43:40

First level: All search engines are requested to ensure that there are no search results for the following keywords: “What kind of democracy is China able to implement,” “Li Junru + What kind of democracy is China able to implement,” “Beijing Daily + What kind of democracy is China able to implement,” “Correction concerning ‘Democracy is a good thing,’” “Yu Keping + Correction concerning ‘Democracy is a good thing,’” “Beijing Daily + Correction concerning ‘Democracy is a good thing,’” “the wording ‘number one man’ is contrary to the development of intra-Party democracy,” “Wang Guixiu – the wording ‘number one man’ is contrary to the development of intra-Party democracy,” “Beijing Daily + the wording ‘number one man’ is contrary to the development of intra-Party democracy,” “Letting go the eight mistaken ideas of supervision,” “Wang Guixiu + Letting go the eight mistaken ideas of supervision,” “Beijing Daily + Letting go the eight mistaken ideas of supervision.”

All interactive segments are to set up the following keywords as filter words, search for and delete corresponding articles: “What kind of democracy is China able to implement,” “Correction concerning ‘Democracy is a good thing,’” “the wording ‘number one man’ is contrary to the development of intra-Party democracy,” “Letting go the eight mistaken ideas of supervision.” Please prepare this today and make it effective tomorrow.

Second level: Do not report on the university student suicide incidents; delete “suicide games,” “death notes,” “suicide manuals,” and other harmful information.

All websites: Concerning the recent successive university student suicide incidents, no special subjects are to be set up on the main page of websites or the news center page, it is not to be recommended, put in headers or discussed in blogs, forums and other interactive segments; timely delete “suicide games,” “death notes,” “suicide manuals,” and other harmful information that appears in interactive segments.

20 June 2007, 20:22:04

Third level, Do not reprint and delete reports and comments concerning the Wu Lihong case in Yixing, Jiangsu.

All websites are requested to not reprint reports and comments concerning the Wu Lihong case in Yixing, Jiangsu, where it has been reprinted, please delete it.

21 June 2007, 17:21:22, Zhong Fu

All search engines: please delete content on “Yixing, Jiangsu Environmental Defender Wu Lihong” in search results on “Wu Lihong”;

Please ensure there are no search results for “Yixing Wu Lihong” for a period of one month.

21 June 2007, 12:15:39, Fan Tao

First level: All websites are requested not to reprint reports or comments concerning the situation of the appeal in the Zheng Xiaoyu case, do not send text messages with corresponding information. Forums, blogs, and other interactive segments are not to disseminate or discuss this.

21 June 2007, 15:55:33, Huang Jing

First level: All websites: Concerning the Tangshan “Yang Shukuan Mafia Case,” only reprint copy from People’s Daily, Xinhua, and other main central news work units, do not reprint information from other sources, do not open trackers. Strengthen management on forums, blogs and other interactive columns, discussions seizing the opportunity to attack our social system must be timely deleted.

22 June 2007, 12:15:07

First level: Do not reprint reports concerning the Tangshan mafia case, where it has been reprinted, please immediately delete it.

All websites are requested not to reprint comments and reports on the Tangshan mafia case, where it has been reprinted, please immediately delete it. Corresponding reports, comments, and images on the front page of interactive segments is to be deleted.

Huang Jing, 21 June 2007, 17:20:13

All portals: Please push the text “Coolest Landlord in Jiuxun Protects Building for Four Years – Uses Molotov Cocktails to Resist Demolition Crew” to the back stage.

22 June 2007, 18:28:44

First level: Please open up news trackers for reports on the Shanxi black kiln press conference, and assign a special person to manage it!

All portal web sites: Please open up news trackers for reports on the Shanxi black kiln press conference, and assign a special person to manage it, strictly block and delete harmful discussions that attack the Party and the government.

22 June 2007, 18:57:46

Third level: All websites are requested to use standard language when producing content related to the return of Hong Kong.

All portal websites: When producing content related to the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong, do not use the wording of “Two Shores, Three Regions,” the wording “Two Straits Shores and the Hong Kong and Macau Regions” may be used; do not use the wording “Hong Kong used to be a British colony,” the wording “Hong Kong was reduced to being a British colony” may be used.

22 June 2007, 22:47:29

First level: Please do not reprint reports and comments concerning the case of the erstwhile athletic association’s Song Wannian.

Please do not reprint reports and comments related to the case of the erstwhile athletic association’s Song Wannian, where it has been reprinted, please immediately delete it.



2007-06-14 19:48:04


2007-06-14 19:40:55



2007-06-14 19:44:47



2007-06-15 21:37:14


2007-06-15 23:46:27


2007-06-16 22:32:46

一级:《财经》杂志网络版登载的《取消利息税呼声日高 财政部尙无动议》一文严重失实,请各网不要转载,已经转载的请立即删除;论坛、博客等互动环节不得贴发、传播该文章。要求各网十一点前必须删除干净.

2007-06-18 11:25:31


各网:“第四届(2007)北京网络媒体红色故土行”将于本周六启程,本次红色故土行的主题为“第四届(2007)北京网络媒体红色故土行—寻访革命足迹  感受活力广西”。请各网充分发挥信息传播特点和技术专长,抓紧时间制作活动专题,力求内容丰富,表现形式多样。


2007-06-19 08:25:36

三级:请将关键词设为搜索无结果;互动环节设为过滤词 ;

“达之”、“当前中国最坏的六种人”、“中国最坏的六种 人”、“关于建议成立民主促进委员会及其八项政治主张”、“成立民主 促进委员会”、“民主促进委员会八项政治主张”、“中国民主促进委员 会”、“民主促进委员会”


2007-06-19 22:26:56


2007-06-19 22:26:56


1、对于腐败大案要案,务必一事一报,不要建专题,不要链接相关事件或相关人物的报道,务必只转载新华网、人民网 的稿件;




2007-06-19 22:43:40

一级:各搜索引擎请将以下关键词设为搜索无结果:“中国能够实行什么样的民 主”、“李君如 中国能够实行什么样的民主”、“北京日报 中国能够实行什 么样的民主”、“关于“民主是个好东西”的辨正”、“俞可平 关于“民主是 个好东西”的辨正 ”、“北京日报  关于“民主是个好东西”的辨正 ”、“ “一把手”的提法与发展党内民主是相悖的”、“王贵秀 “一把手”的提法与 发展党内民主是相悖的”、“北京日报 “一把手”的提法与发展党内民主是相 悖的”、“走出监督的八大误区”、“王贵秀 走出监督的八大误区”、“北京 日报 走出监督的八大误区”。

请互动环节将以下关键词设为过滤词,并查找删除相关文章:“中国能够实行什 么样的民主”、“关于“民主是个好东西”的辨正”、““一把手”的提法与发 展党内民主是相悖的”、“走出监督的八大误区”。请今天做好 明天生效



2007-06-20 20:22:04



2007-06-21 17:21:22  钟阜



2007-06-21 12:15:39 范涛


2007-06-21 15:55:33  黄婧


2007-06-22 12:15:07



huangjing(黄婧)2007-06-21 17:20:13

各门户:请将《九旬最牛楼主护楼四年 用汽油弹对抗拆迁人员》一文压到后台

2007-06-22 18:28:44



2007-06-22 18:57:46



2007-06-22 22:47:29



These translated directives were first posted by Rogier Creemers on China Copyright and Media on January 6, 2013 (here). This post is the 51st in the series.


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