As the world awaits information about the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, art appears to be one way of coping with the uncertainty. A drawing by Weibo user Meng Chenshang depicts the plane attached to a fishing line. God stands on a cloud holding the rod, an angel by His side. It’s unclear if He is reeling the plane toward Him or if He is saving it from falling into the water below. A crowd, heads upturned, watches from below. CDT’s Badiucao illustrates the missing plane as the Twitter Fail Whale, held aloft by a flock of birds.
The Ministry of Truth steers the media away from independently analyzing or commenting on the lost Malaysia Airlines flight and instead insists on increased publicity of the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress.
At least one story that emerged from the meeting of the National People’s Congress, however, is off-limits: a squabble that arose between two Party Officials after one hurled accusations of “formalism” at the other.
This week’s Defunct Agency of the Week: the Ministry of Bullying, a.k.a. the Ministry of Railways, which came under scrutiny in 2011 following the Wenzhou train collision.
And finally, censors instruct media outlets not to hype the story of a tunnel collision and explosion that left 31 dead and nine missing in Shanxi.