
Gmail Users Warned of State-Sponsored Attacks

Google has begun to issue warnings to people whose accounts or computers it believes may have been targeted by unnamed state-sponsored actors. The announcement on the company’s security blog did not specify any particular...

Google Exposes Keyword Filtering

  In a blogpost, Google announced that it will improve its search service in mainland China by notifying its users about sensitive search characters and phrases: Over the past couple years, we’ve had a lot of feedback...

China Paper Warns Google May Pay Price for Hacking Claims

Through the People’s Daily, the Chinese government has put forward a harsh warning to Google over claims that Gmail users were victims of a phishing scheme originating in China. From Reuters: The tough warning appeared in...

New Book on Google Shows Gaffes in China

In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives,a new book about the inner workings of Google, sheds some light on the company’s move into China and the missteps that contributed to a China policy that did not...

Google Losing Ground in China

Following reports yesterday that Google’s services in China were facing challenges, news comes today that the company and its subsidiaries in China are being investigated for tax evasion. From MarketWatch: Chinese tax...

Google’s Future in China Uncertain

Two stories today bring into question Google’s future in China, which has been under scrutiny since the company moved its search engine off servers inside China. PC Magazine reports that Sina, China’s largest web...

Baidu Tests Web Browser as China Search Leader Expands Range

China’s leading search engine is said to have developed a personal web browser currently being tested internally. This development may put Baidu in competition with Microsoft and Google in the future.From Bloomberg News:...

China Tightens Censorship of Electronic Communications

The New York Times reports on the tightening of online communication in China, as seen through disruption of VPN services and Gmail, among other things: A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese...

‘The Good Wife’ Recap: Great Walls of Fire

The U.S. TV drama The Good Wife took on the Great Firewall in an episode last night. The full episode is embedded below. The Los Angeles Times gives a recap: In Tuesday’s episode, Will asks for Alicia’s assistance...

Evan Osnos: The Top Ten China Myths of 2010

Evan Osnos debunks the top ten myths about China this year. His top three: 1. Dissidents no longer matter in global diplomacy. Fact: After China joined the World Trade Organization and hosted the Beijing Olympics, the image of...



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