State Council

Fiddling with Commas While the Economy Burns

This year’s “Two Sessions,” which concluded on March 11, were more Party-choreographed than ever, as evidenced by the elimination of the premier’s customary post-NPC press conference, the weakening of the State Council via a...

How High is China’s Official Debt?

With the news that China’s State Council ordered a national audit of all government debt, The Wall Street Journal’s Richard Silk collated research estimates about where the official figure is today: China has one big...

Cabinet Orders Audit of Government Debt

China’s State Council has ordered an audit of all government debt, according to Reuters, a sign that policymakers are concerned with rising debt at the provincial and municipal level amid a slowdown in economic growth: The...

GAPPRFT Portfolio Published

As part of a government restructuring program initiated at the National People’s Congress in March, the General Administration of Press and Publications was merged with the State Administration of Radio, Film and...

Regulators Opposed Shanghai Trade Zone Plans

Sources tell George Chen of the South China Morning Post that Chinese premier Li Keqiang faced open opposition from financial regulators as he pushed through recent approval to designate a new free trade zone in Shanghai:...

State Council Passes Anti-Pollution Measures

Reuters reports that China’s cabinet approved 10 new anti-pollution laws on Friday, promising to reduce emissions per unit of GDP in key industries by at least 30 percent by the end of 2017. Companies will be required to...

Backroom Battle Delays One-Child Reform

The merging of China’s Health Ministry and National Population and Family Planning Commission last month added fuel to speculation that the country’s family planning policy is in for an overhaul. But citing “a...

China Unveils Plans for Streamlined Government

China’s State Council has submitted widely-anticipated plans for the restructuring of several government agencies to the National People’s Congress. The seventh such initiative in the past 30 years, the new plan aims...



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