Chirac in China: Behind a warm embrace, serious questions

Jean-Pierre Cabestan wrote on International Herald Tribune today about President Chirac’s recent visit to Beijing. “President Jacques Chirac’s recent visit to China has been presented by the French government as a great success. Indeed an unprecedented number of contracts, amounting to more than $4 billion, were signed, and political relations look as spotless as a […]

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My old China – Profile of village photographer

Jonathan Watts profiles 76-year-old village photographer Li Tianbing, who got his first camera when he was 12 by selling his mother’s cow in their isolated, mountainous village. “Ever since, Li has been making a unique record of peasant life in one of the poorest parts of the world. Li estimates he has carried his Thorton-Packard […]

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Tribesmen fail to free Chinese hostages

Pakistani tribesmen failed to gain the release of two Chinese engineers, Wang Ende and Wang Peng, being held hostage in South Waziristan tribal region, near the Afghan border, after talks were held with the kidnappers: “Abdullah [Mehsud], a former Guantanamo Bay inmate who is at a separate location from the kidnappers, insisted he would not […]

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There’s trade, and there’s Tiananmen

Jonathan Mirsky wrote on International Herald Tribune: “Someone should tell President Jacques Chirac of France what Zhou Enlai said when Henry Kissinger asked him for his judgment on the French Revolution. “It’s too early to say,” Zhou allegedly replied. . This might make Chirac reconsider his recommendation last week that the European Union should lift […]

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China search giant sees sales quadrupling

From the Reuters today: “, China’s largest Web search engine, says its revenues will more than double in 2004 and could double again next year as more companies pay to feature in search results. Baidu, founded in 1999, boasts 350 million Web pages in its database of searchable sites and counts Google among its investors. […]

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Boxun statement on Google

Boxun news service has posted a statement “Is Google Crossing the Line?” on their site. Asking, “The question is, how far can Google or other companies go in China? ” Boxun uses Yahoo as an example to show how international companies who agree to operate by China’s rules easily violate their users’ privacy rights. About […]

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Kofi Annan’s speech at Qing Hua University

Here is the full text of the UN Secretary-General’s speech at Qing Hua on October 11, 2004. He highlighted issues of poverty, disease, and environmental degradation in his speech. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL SPEECH AT QING HUA UNIVERSITY Beijing, 11 October 2004 Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to speak at one of […]

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Socialism, back in the USSR

Wang Chu wrote a very interesting article on Asia Times Online today: “Over the past few years, Chinese scholars have begun to re-examine the cause of the collapse of the former superpower Soviet Union and the Eastern European bloc from an independent and academic perspective. Their conclusions do not necessarily coincide with the established version […]

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Chirac’s Blunder

There has been a wave of protests on the internet and from Chinese democracy and human rights groups after Chirac made the remark that the EU should end the arms embargo on China, which was imposed after the 1989 massacre of student protesters, because the massacre was a thing of “another time.” The protest statements […]

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Does China execute 10,000 people a year?

As the world marks The World Day Against the Death Penalty, China’s large numbers of annual death sentences and executions once again are under the spotlight, as reported in this story, Does China execute 10,000 people a...

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China Crushes Peasant Protest, Turning 3 Friends Into Enemies

From New York Times today: “The government uses China’s 800 million farmers to provide grain, labor and capital for urban development. State banks take deposits in rural areas but make loans almost exclusively to richer ones. The authorities pour resources into prestigious urban projects, like the $1.24 billion Shanghai spent to build a state-of-the-art Formula […]

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Imagining China’s High-Tech Future

Microsoft Program Manager Frank Yu argues that Beijing’s Haidian District (ʵ∑Ê∑ÄÂå∫), which includes the Zhongguancun (‰∏≠ÂÖ≥Êùë) technology zone, provides a glimpse of China’s high-tech future. According to Yu, innovations in Haidian demonstrate that China is “set to lead the world” in developing mobile devices and applications. One Zhongguancun company with aspirations to become a world […]

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Yahoo, Ahead in Japan and Taiwan, Gains on Leader EBay in China, an online auction site launched by Yahoo and Sina, is overtaking EBay in China, according to a report in Bloomberg: “EBay, the world’s largest Internet auctioneer, faces a threat to its No. 1 position in China, the biggest battleground after the U.S. in a global market for Internet-auctioned goods worth more than $30 billion. […]

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Half of Beijing’s homes link to Internet

From Xinhuanet today:“According to a recent poll, about 47 percent households in Beijing have connected to the Internet till the first quarter of 2004, reported China Radio International on Monday. Two thirds of those families chose broadband connection services, while others prefer to use the dial-up access. ”

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