Ten Possible Phrases We May Hear in Beijing Olympics, 2008

A blog “Love and the city” posted a collection of “Ten Possible Phrases We May Hear in Beijing Olympics, 2008.” [Full Text]

1. “本届奥运会是有史以来最好的一次“——-国际奥委会主席雅克·罗格

“The Beijing Olympics is the best one in our Olympics’ history.” Jacques Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee

2. “XXX,获得了此枚金牌后,此时此刻,你的心情是怎样的?” —–某体育记者

“xxx, What’s your mood after you won this gold medal?” -A sports journalist

3. “感谢我的教练,感谢我的祖国,感谢我的家乡父老,我……我,当我看到五星红旗为我而升起的时候,我是无比自豪啊……”泣不成声,采访中断。——–中国某金牌运动员

“Thanks to my trainer, thanks to my country, and thanks to every leader in my hometown. I…I…When I saw our five-star National Flag rising up slowly, I felt…so proud…” (Crying too hard to talk, the interview breaks off.) -A gold medal athlete.


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