The Chinese censors are at work again. But this is not your usual story. Here is a story from Xinhua in Chinese and in translation:
“According to what our reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Committee on January 16, in the work on reorganizing the coal mines that were either illegal or do not have adequate production safety conditions, Fujian has failed to close or suspend the license of any coal mine as yet, and there are nine other provinces which have completed less than one-third of the plan.
The National Development and Reform Committee has issued an emergency notice. As of December 23, 2005, Hunan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Kansu, Guizhou, Shanxi, Heilongjiang and Yunnan have closed or suspended fewer than one-third of the planned numbers. Of the thirty mines that Fujian planned to close, none have been closed yet.”
See also: The Coal Mine Dilemma in China from ESWN blog.