China’s National Population and Family Planning Commission has just released a list of new slogans that are recommended for local branches to use. This is a recent effort of the agency to clean up out-dated slogans used across the country, some of which may contain barbaric connotations or at least run against the “putting people first” mentality that Beijing wants to promote. Translated from China News Online:
Untold is why the list is composed of 190 selected slogans from all over China. It seems too much a choice for a local agency to paint the walls to promote China’s family planning policy. A lot of these new slogans obviously echo the central government’s “harmony” propaganda. Here are some examples:
Stick to scientific development, build a harmonious family planning. (坚持科学发展,构建和谐计生)
If China wants a harmonious society, it needs to first solve the population problem. (中国社会要和谐,人口问题先解决)
Implement birth control, create a sound population environment for the building of a harmonious society. (实行计划生育,为构建和谐社会创造良好的人口环境)
Population needs to be managed scientifically, harmony needs to be built with all the people. (人口需要科学统筹,和谐需要全民共建)
There are also ones that indicate a global perspective or care for the poorer people:
Control the size of population, care about Mother Earth. (控制人口数量,关爱地球母亲)
Mommy Earth is too tired, it cannot hold up too many kids. (地球妈妈太累了,再也擎不起太多的孩子)
Migrant workers need to prevent AIDS, don’t harm the next generation. (§ñÂá∫Âä°Â∑•Ë¶ÅÈò≤ËâæÔºåÂçɉ∏áÂà´ÂÆ≥‰∏ã‰∏ĉª£) [Full list here, in Chinese]