Turkeys Spread Wings in China – Erik Nilsson

China has imported western holidays including Valentine’s Day and Christmas. Now, Thanksgiving! Some of my American friends were driven half crazy by the Chinese shops running Xmas music and decorations for an entire year. When turkeys enter China’s market what will happen? Will Chinese have difficulty finding homegrown chicken? From China Daily:

On Thanksgiving Day today, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) hopes to get Chinese foodies talking turkey.

Since 2005, the US state, which raises, processes and exports the most turkeys in the country, has been working to promote Thanksgiving as a holiday, and turkey as a foodstuff, in the Chinese market…

In 2006, they sent a research team to China, which worked with the food science program at Southern Yangtze University in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, to develop turkey recipes to suit local taste buds. The team returned this September, and the university’s dean Huang Weining prepared eight turkey-based dishes, including gongbao turkey (diced turkey with peanuts and hot sauce), turkey-stuffed moon cakes and turkey soup with gingko nuts.[Full Text]


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