An update of the China exported Heparin linked to 19 deaths in the US. From the Washington Post:
Tests of the active ingredient produced in China to make heparin for Baxter International found a contaminant in 20 of 28 samples, further tying a spike in serious and occasionally fatal allergic reactions in American patients to the drug’s overseas sources, officials said yesterday…
The finding that potentially significant amounts of Chinese-produced heparin ingredients were contaminated led the FDA to demand rigorous new testing of all imported heparin ingredients and products. They said most manufacturers had agreed to begin the more sophisticated tests themselves, but some will have their products tested by the FDA…
Partly in response to the heparin findings, the FDA announced last night plans to place eight full-time regulators at U.S. diplomatic posts in China, pending approval from the Chinese government. The agency called it “a significant step toward ensuring access to safe food, drugs and medical devices in the global market.”
Bloomberg reports U.S. Regulators to Place Drug Inspectors in China (Update2)