Chinese reporter Deng Fei and Doubleaf have Google Mapped China’s cancer villages. A screenshot is below. See the Google Map here.

The map also provides news report details on each of the listed villages. The following is a portion of that list, translated by CDT:
(1) Yancheng City, Funing County, Guhe Township, Yangqiao Village
Jiangnan Times: 2004 reportDue to its proximity to an agricultural chemical plant and two chemical factories, this village saw 20 people die of cancer (primarily lung cancer and esophageal cancer) between 2001-2004. Because the air and water were polluted, villagers would cover their mouths with a moist towel while sleeping. Ducks were raised not by the waterside, but rather in pig pens.
(2) Yancheng City, Funing County, Yangji Township, Dongjin Village
China Business Report: 2008 reportAfter receiving heavy pollution from the Julong chemical factory, 100 villagers died of cancer between 2001-2006 (mainly esophageal cancer and lung cancer). Villagers would eat liver tablets every day. Villagers brought a lawsuit against the chemical factory, but each person would only receive a 70 yuan subsidy.
(3-4) Zhenjiang City, Dantu Region, Gaoqiao Township, Gaoqiao Village
Zhenjiang City, Dantu Region, Huangxu Township, Shimen Village
China Environmental News: 2004 reportDue to the pollution of the drainage network, treatments for malignancies at the regional hospital began to increase in 1997. 71% of those treated came from southeast village townships that were fairly economically developed.
(5) Nanchang City, Xinjian County, Wangcheng Township, *****
Jiangnan Metropolis Paper: 2004 reportWhen a chemical factory’s polluted water flowed into rice paddies, the paddies’ seedlings were all blackened. In 2004, in 80 households, nearly 20 people contracted cancer. Laryngeal cancer and lung cancer were the main types of cancer.
(6) Yushan County, Yanrui Township, Guanshan Qiao Village
People’s Daily: 2006 reportSix limekilns near the village emitted fine coal ash throughout the year, leading to a decrease in production for over 100 acres of food provision fields. Even when it rained, the tops of leaves would retain a layer of white ash. In recent years, over 60 household groups had over 10 people die of cancer.
(7) Deyang Shifang Shuangsheng Township, Tingjiang Village
China Economic Times: 2008 reportThis village evaded the earthquake, but couldn’t escape pollution. In 2008, the number of people who died of cancer numbered at 50 to 60 people. Yang Jia was a young person of this village who helped with disaster relief efforts after the Wenchuan earthquake. His mother contracted oral cancer and then commited suicide by imbibing agricultural chemicals.
(8) Shenqiu County, Zhouying Village (Huangmengying Village and 21 other villages)
Xi’An Evening News: 2004 reportFor 14 years (1990-2004), over 100 people died of cancer in Shenqiu’s Huangmengying village, accounting for nearly half of all total deaths. Cancer developed as a result of industry on the waterfront, and uncontrolled discharge of sewage was caused by heavy water pollution. In all of Shenqiu County, 21 townships were contaminated. Villagers had to use credit to buy purified water.
(9) Shaoguan, Wengyuan Counties; Xinjiang Township, Shangba village and 5 other villages.
Legal Daily: 2001 reportA large amount of mining waste water flowed into Shangba village. The little “village of fish and rice,” saw its arable land take on a brownish-red color. According to reports, an increasing number of villagers are contracting skin disease, liver disease, and cancer. As for ducks that go into the water, the fastest death happens within 4 to 5 hours, and the slowest occurs within 3 to 4 days.
(10) Xiangfan City, Zhuji Township, Diwan Village
Changjiang Industry Paper: 2006 reportWithin 3 years, a village of 3000 had over 100 people die of cancer. Among those, most were laborers between their thirties and fifties, in the prime of their lives. Villagers blame the nearby polluted river.
Read more about China’s cancer villages, here.