social security

Quote of the Day: “Laid Off at 35, Re-employed at 60”

Chinese netizens have had a lot to say about economist Ma Jiantang’s prescription for adapting to the “era of longevity” by reclassifying workers between the ages of 60-70 as “the youthful elderly,” those between the ages of...

Now on Taobao: Outsourced Care for Grandma

Soon after China’s revised filial piety law requiring regular visits to aging parents took effect last Monday, entrepreneurs have started offering elder-care services on e-commerce platforms. From The Wall Street...

When Filial Piety Is the Law

In a New York Times op-ed, author Yu Hua complains that by compelling regular contact with parents with China’s recently amended “filial piety law”, the Party is using legislation to replace values that it...

Economy the Focus as China Political Session Ends

AP reports on the closing sessions of the NPC’s annual meeting in Beijing: The world’s third-largest economy may have escaped the worst of the global financial crisis by ordering $1.4 trillion in bank lending and...

China Promises Better Benefits for Rural Migrants

The government plans to provide better social service benefits and housing assistance for young migrant workers. From the Washington Post: For decades, China has restrained migration by linking access to low-cost public services...

A More Flexible Pension Scheme for Migrant Workers

From Economic Observer Online: A draft to reform the social security scheme in allowing Chinese migrant workers to transfer their pension accounts and contributions nationwide has been finalized, sources revealed to the Economic...

The Second Long March: 30 Years of Reform

With this month marking the 30th anniversary of the launch of China’s economic reform policies, the Economist reflects on the prospects for political reforms as the PRC enters its 60th year: Next year the country will mark...

China May Shift Shares to Fund Pensions

From Financial Times : Beijing is considering transferring shares from state-owned companies to the national pension fund to help fill a gaping shortfall, the fund’s new head told the Financial Times on Friday. Dai Xianglong ,...

China May Lower Fines for Poor Who Violate One-Child-Only Policy – Maureen Fan

From the Washington Post: Fines imposed on Chinese who violate the country’s one-child-only policy may be reduced for the poor, a top family planning official said Tuesday, as authorities stressed a broader approach to population management. The announcement came a day after state media reported that many Chinese believe it is unfair that the wealthy […]

The Mystery of the Chinese Baby Shortage – Beth Nonte Russell

From The New York Times: ACCORDING to a State Department report released this week, American citizens adopted 6,493 children from China in 2006, a decline of 18 percent from the previous year’s total of 7,906. And yet, just over a month ago, this newspaper reported that China had prepared strict new criteria for foreign adoption […]

China Says Skewed Sex-ratio Could Mean Instability – Reuters

From Reuters: China will be home to 300 million more men than women by 2020, state media said on Thursday, warning the gender imbalance, along with an aging population and rapid urbanization, could be destabilizing. China has about 119 boys born for every 100 girls, an imbalance that has grown since it introduced a one-child […]



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