Search Results for: media control

China: We don’t censor the Internet. Really – Declan McCullagh

From CNET Chinese government official draws incredulous stares at U.N. summit when denying that the Great Firewall of China exists. While many countries block off some Web sites, China has long drawn heightened scrutiny because of the breadth and sophistication of its Internet censorship. Which is why it came as a surprise on Tuesday […]

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China Jails 9 in Anti-Piracy Crackdown – AP

From AP: Nine people convicted of selling illegally copied DVDs and other goods have been jailed for up to 13 years in China’s biggest anti-piracy crackdown to date, a news report said Friday. The sentences were the longest reported since China stepped up penalties for product piracy in mid-2005, imposing jail time in addition to […]

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Hedging, Innuendo, and Qiu Xiaohua

What to make of Qiu Xiaohua’s abrupt removal from his job as China’s chief statistician? No one really knows for sure yet. Last week’s tersely worded Xinhua news agency item sounded an alarm bell that something was amiss. Word around Beijing is that Qiu will not be reassigned: he committed a “severe disciplinary violation” (‰∏•ÈáçËøùÁ∫™). […]

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Three Internet Censorship Cases from Chongqing

China Media Project at Journalism & Media Studies Centre of the University of Hong Kong posted on its website three Internet censorship cases in Chongqing city. From those three cases you can clearly see how China is controlling the Internet. Chongqing police say all Internet users must register by October 30 or face fines and […]

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China turns to western-style governance – Jason Dean

From the Sunday Times: As he promotes Western-style notions of governance in China, Thornton faces a business culture in transition. The government, run by the Communist party, still controls a vast swath of the economy and has no intention of giving up its control ” particularly in strategic industries such as telecommunications. The government owns […]

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Pendulum swings the party’s way – IHT via China Daily

On its “Foreign Media on China” page, the China Daily website reprints in its entirety an International Herald Tribune column penned by Philip Bowring that describes, and appears to laud, the Communist Party’s recent tightening of controls: It is hard for liberals and democrats to accept, but there seems to an inevitability about the reassertion […]

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Biganzi: Cheng Yizhong’s Quiet Comeback

The forecast for the weekly newspaper and periodicals market in China is very upbeat, but I am very pessimistic about the current situation. This, as a matter of fact, is also my view of the Chinese media industry as a whole… Remember Cheng Yizhong (Á®ãÁõä‰∏≠)? The above-quoted statement appears to be the first to be […]

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Silent Games – Melinda Liu

On, Melinda Liu summarizes the recent government crackdown on free expression in China: For a while many foreign correspondents thought authorities were “killing the chicken to scare the monkey.” That’s a Chinese proverb meaning one target is attacked in order to intimidate another. When we saw our Chinese contacts harassed, detained, physically assaulted and […]

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A New, Computer-Generated Voice – Mark Magnier

From The LA Times: In a random sampling of Internet comments shortly after the regulations were released Sunday, a few Chinese supported the government’s stance as a way to stem “foreign rumors.” But the vast majority slammed the new rules with sarcasm and wit, accusing the government of turning back the clock, undercutting the media’s […]

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