The following microblog post is from Sina Weibo, by Beijing-based scholar Wu Zhailai (吴柞来).
@wuzhailai: Someday people will spread flowers on the streets, pour liquor into rivers*, and fireworks will light up our Square. Those departed classmates, maybe we all have gray hair, but standing on the earth to look up at the stars, we will still remember your faces. Someday we will all possess a sacred ballot, we will speak to our president-elect: Hello, President, we are willing to let you represent us, to make great decisions. We will also sing and praise our dear motherland.
* Making a toast and then pouring your liquor onto the floor is a way to commemorate the dead in China.
Countless micro-blog posts similar to this one, with or without coded language, or including simple images such as the picture of the Tank Man have been posted, and ruthlessly deleted by censors, over the past 48 hours.
Also, a huge list of keywords are currently banned on Sina Weibo’s search function. Among those banned keywords are: “六四” (June 4th ),“八九” (Eighty Nine ),“1989”,“8964”,“22周年” (22 Years Anniversary),“民运” (Democracy Movement),“学运” (Students Movement),“学潮” (Students Protests),“罢课潮” (Students Strike),“祖国母亲” (Motherland),“天安门” (Tiananmen),“天安门母亲” (Tiananmen Mothers),“胡耀邦” (Hu Yaobang),“江泽民”(Jiang Zemin),“李鹏” (Li Peng), “赵紫阳” (Zhao Ziyang),“王丹” (Wang Dan),“丁子霖” (Ding Zilin),“学生领袖” (Student leaders),“平反” (Reverse Verdict),“镇压” (Crackdown),“坦克” (Tank),“坦克人” (Tank Man),“戒严” (Martial Law),“示威” (Protests), and “5月35日” (The thirty fifth of May.)