Editor’s Note: The Word of the Week comes from China Digital Space’s Grass-Mud Horse Lexicon, a glossary of terms created by Chinese netizens and frequently encountered in online political discussions. These are the words of China’s online “resistance discourse,” used to mock and subvert the official language around censorship and political correctness.
If you are interested in participating in this project by submitting and/or translating terms, please contact the CDT editors at CDT [at] chinadigitaltimes [dot] net.
China Central Adult Video (CCAV)
CCAV is a derogatory nickname for CCTV (China Central Television).
CCAV became a popular term when CCTV’s evening news broadcast a piece about the need to crack down on adult videos. The term can be used to describe something hypocritical.
CCTV is often a target among Chinese netizens. Han Han, China’s most popular blogger, took aim when the new CCTV headquarters, still under construction, caught fire in early 2009.