On her blog, Rebecca MacKinnon summarizes the key stipulations of the government order requiring computer manufacturers to install filtering software on all computers made in or imported into China:
1. Domestic PC manufacturers are required to pre-install the latest version of “Green Dam Youth Escort” and imported PC’s sold in China must also have the latest version of the software pre-installed.
2. “Green Dam Youth Escort” should be included on a partition in the PC’s hard drive or in an accompanying CD so that it can be re-installed when the computer’s drive needs to be restored.
3. The providers of “Green Dam Youth Escort” should enthusiastically work to support this work of installing their software.
4. Installation work should be completed by the end of June and as of July 1st PC’s should be sold with the software pre-installed.
5. In 2009 PC manufacturers and the providers of “Green Dam Youth Escort” should provide monthly reports to MIIT about sales figures, the number of copies of the software installed, and comments on this work. From 2010 they should provide annual reports by the end of February.
The original Chinese document is here.