foreign aid

Swiss Peace Summit Widens Gap Between Zelensky and China

The Swiss peace summit concluded over the weekend with what Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hailed as the “first steps towards peace,” but much remains unresolved before Russia might conceivably agree to cease its war...

Charity Begins Abroad: China and Foreign Aid

The Economist tracks the transition of China and the other BRIC nations from net recipients to net donors of aid, and explores differences between these new donors’ contributions and those of the West. Even today, America...

China Premier Strives for Trust, Investment with Indonesia

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited Indonesia, promising $19 billion in investment credit in the form of commercial loans and export credits. His visit is widely interpreted as China’s attempt to win influence over...

China Rises and Rises, Yet Still Gets Foreign Aid

China still receives 2.5 billion in foreign aid, with the bulk of the money coming from Japan. From AP: China spent tens of billions of dollars on a dazzling 2008 Olympics. It has sent astronauts into space. It recently became...

China’s Billion-Dollar Aid Appetite

Foreign Policy reports: Over the eight years since the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria first launched, China has applied for and been awarded nearly $1 billion in grants, becoming the fourth-largest recipient...

Making the Most of Chinese Aid to Africa

From McKinsey Quarterly [registration required for full article]: The debate over China’s role in Africa continues to rage. One side contends that China is a rapacious neocolonial oppressor, while the other sees it as a...



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