When something disappears from the Internet in China, netizens joke that it has been “river-crabbed,” a play on “harmonized.” The River Crab Archive is a collection of blog post titles, weibo, and other materials deleted from their original sources on Chinese websites, either found by CDT or brought to our attention by outside projects. The editors have selected river-crabbed information of note from CDT Chinese’s ongoing compendium of the same name (河蟹档案).
The following deleted Weibo posts were selected by CDT between February 21 and 22 from FreeWeibo.
@dapeng777: This news has been blocked. Please repost, but do not comment~
@大鹏看天下: 这条新闻,已全部打不开了。请转发,勿评论~
Blocked search: “Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has allocated 75 million yuan to equipping its subordinate departments with government automobiles.”
February 22, 2013 at 3:16 p.m. (via WeiboScope (censored weibos))
2013年02月22日 15:16 (来自 WeiboScope (被审查的微博))
@AngrySillyBroLaughstoTears: In reality, Chief Xi has inherited an “unfinished project”: circling enemies, proliferating traitors, economic bubble, empty national coffers, depraved morality, and prevalent corruption. This bowl of rotten “reform and opening up half-cooked rice” is set in front of Chief Xi. How to act? How to eat it? It will take not only wisdom and competence, but, more importantly, the charisma to make resolute decisions. Though it’s a tangled web, the two most urgent things to tackle are reversing wronged cases and rooting out traitors! These two actions will have an immediate impact of twice the work it takes to accomplish them! The general public is expecting results!
February 22, 2013 at 5:38 p.m. (via WeiboScope (censored weibos))
@傻哥气得笑哭了: 其实,习总接手的是一个“烂尾工程”:外敌环伺,汉奸盛行,泡沫经济,国库空虚,道德沦丧,贪腐成风。。这碗已发馊的“改开夹生饭”摆在习总面前,如何做 如何吃?需要的不仅是智慧和能力,更需要当机立断的魄力!虽千头万绪但最迫切的是平反博公和肃奸两件事!可起到立竿见影事半功倍之效!万众期待!
2013年02月22日 17:38 (来自 WeiboScope (被审查的微博))
@miqijiadexingfu: The Common Characteristics of Authoritarian Nations!
@讽刺批判语录: 専制国家共同特点!
Military: Brazenly declaring its service to the political group.
Congress: Going through the motions to simulate the election leaders.
Justice: A special tool to violently defend its allies and suppress its opponents.
Media: Touting Potemkin peace and covering up discord.
Literature: Praising the prosperity of the nation and the brilliance of the leadership.
Education: Brainwashing.
Foreign Affairs: Paving the way with money and simulating unity.
History: Glossing over the inconvenient truth.February 21, 2013 at 6:11 p.m. (via WeiboScope (censored weibos))
2013年02月21日 18:11 (来自 WeiboScope (被审查的微博))
@lscfda: Mao is said to have had six dancing partners who were the most beautiful: Wu Lili, He Liliang, Liu Suyuan, Meng Jingyun, Zuo Dafen, and Chen Huimin. At that time, the PLA Air Force Political Department Ensemble internally called dancing in Zhongnanhai a “number one duty.” Before she was allowed to enter Zhongnanhai, each person’s family background and typical behavior were scrutinized. Peng Dehuai ridiculed the event as “selecting imperial concubines.” Before the dance, several GMs would be sent out to pick up the actresses from the Ensemble. The dances were usually held at Chun’ouzhai and Huairentang.
February 21, 2013 at 10:47 p.m. (via WeiboScope (censored weibos))
@历史尘封档案: 毛一生传闻有六个舞伴最漂亮:吴莉莉,何理良,刘素媛,孟锦云,左大玢,陈惠敏.当时空政文工团内部把进中南海伴舞称为”一号任务”,进中南海的人员都要 被严格审查家庭成员历史背景和现实表现.彭德怀听说此事后斥为”选妃子”.举行舞会时便派出几辆”吉姆”去文工团接女演员,地点主要在中南海的春藕斋,怀 仁堂等
@Coastline229: Published a blog post: The final battle is coming. Salute the warriors! http://t.cn/zYCMmdh
@海岸线229: 发表了一篇转载博文 《[转载]决战时刻即将来临,向勇士们致敬!》 –http://t.cn/zYCMmdh
February 22, 2013 at 12:12 a.m. (via WeiboScope (censored weibos))
2013年02月22日 00:12 (来自 WeiboScope (被审查的微博))
@OilfieldXuGuanghui: People’s Daily Online, Beijing, February 21: Wang Yukai, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Governance, says that in order to change the imperfect national system of financial disclosure, reporting must start with top officials. At present, there are no technical issues with the system. The main problem is the lack of determination to start from the top and firmly implement the policies within certain parameters. Only when it starts from the top will reforms truly follow.
@油田徐广慧: 人民网北京2月21日电 国家行政学院教授汪玉凯表示,要改变我国财产公开制度不完善这种现状,官员财产申报制必须从最高层开始,目前我国的官员财产申报公开制不是技术问题,最大的问题是要有决心,从高层开 始,把它限制在一定的范围之内并严格执行实施。只有从高层开始,才能够真正带动其他方面的改革
Read more selections from CDT Chinese.
Translation by Junebug.