Inspired by his experience voting in Australia’s recent elections, cartoonist Badiucao has drafted imaginary Chinese campaign posters. In Badiucao’s version, there is only one candidate for each and every political party: the One Nation Party, the Nick Xenophon Team, the Liberal Party, the Labor Party, and the Greens (which are just five of the many parties registered for federal elections in Australia).
You can send support Badiucao by buying “Watching Big Brother: Political Cartoons by Badiucao,” available in EPUB and PDF formats. The book covers the early years of Xi’s presidency, from December 2013 to January 2016. No contribution is required, but all donations will go to Badiucao to support his artwork. CDT is also selling merchandise featuring Badiucao’s work in our Zazzle store. See also a Q&A with Badiucao in which he discusses his artistic and personal influences, and his earlier cartoons for CDT.