The Asia Times (Chinese) have found out that a photo published by Xinhua two weeks ago showing a one-on-one handshake between a frail Deng Xiaoping (with daughter Deng Rong’s help) and Hu Jintao has been doctored. The original photo was published days later by Liaowangdongfang (also a Xinhua subsidiary) showing the same Hu-Deng handshake but with Jiang Zemin and other Chinese Communists Party leaders in the background, making Hu far less prominent in the picture.
Curiously, the doctored photo was personally provided by Hu Jintao to Deng Rong for the current Hong Kong exhibit of Deng Xiaoping’s 100th Anniversary.
Thanks to Professor Yu Maochun for sending this story to CDN and providing the context.
See attached photos.