As of April 1, the following search terms are blocked on Sina Weibo (not including the “search for user” function).

Frequently updated with high-resolution photos of the president and other officials, Chinese netizens suspect Xi Jinping’s Facebook page is a government project.
• Xi+facebook (习+facebook): Xi Jinping’s Facebook page looks suspiciously professional to discerning Chinese netizens. Could it be an official account? Over 16,000 users “like” his page, while the new president “likes” Li Keqiang, the People’s Liberation Army, and “Chinese Military Power.”
• Xi+facebook (习+脸谱)
• Chairman xi (xi主席)
• one party holds power (一党执政)
• Domestic Security Department (国保)
• martial law (戒严)
• Toady (蛤蛤): A pejorative nickname for Jiang Zemin.
• Toad thread (蛤丝)
• Chairman Toad (蛤主席)
• general election (普选): Retested.
All Chinese-language words are tested using simplified characters. The same terms in traditional characters occasionally return different results.
Browse all of CDT’s collected sensitive words in this bilingual Google spreadsheet.
CDT Chinese runs a project that crowd-sources filtered keywords on Sina Weibo search. CDT independently tests the keywords before posting them, but some searches later become accessible again. We welcome readers to contribute to this project so that we can include the most up-to-date information. To add words, check out the form at the bottom of CDT Chinese’s latest sensitive words post.