
Mainland Chinese in Hong Kong

Joy Yang, a mainland Chinese who now works in Hong Kong, shares her observations of the rising hostility between local residents and mainlanders. From South China Morning Post: […I] realise that having a happy life in Hong...

Documenting China’s Disappearing Dialects

Up to 40% of China’s minority languages may be at risk of extinction. Phonemica, a project aiming to document China’s threatened languages and dialects through stories told by native speakers, is currently raising...

Shanghai Dialect Makes Comeback Among Youth

While Shanghai strives to be an international city, locals are worried about the preservation of its cultural identity. After the 1990s, when Shanghai increased its efforts to become an international metropolis, the use of...

Some Ga. Schools Make Mandarin Mandatory

Romain Dallemand, schools superintendent for Georgia’s Bibb County, is pushing a mandatory Mandarin education for every student in local public schools, but not all local residents share his enthusiasm. From Adam Ragusea...

Hu Xijin Speaks Chinglish

Not a trace of the July 1 Hong Kong protests can be seen on mainland Chinese media, and “sensitive...

Tibetans Protest China’s Plan to Curb Language

The New York Times reports on ongoing protests in Qinghai by Tibetan students angered by a plan to change the primary language of instruction to Mandarin Chinese: Thousands of Tibetan students in western China have protested...

Tibetan Students Protest Use of Chinese in Classes

From AP: Tibetan students in western China marched in protest of unconfirmed plans to use the Chinese language exclusively in classes, teachers said Wednesday, an unusually bold challenge to authorities that reflects a deep...

In China, Protests Underscore a Rift over Dialects

The Los Angeles Times reports on the current tensions over Mandarin vs. Cantonese use in Guangzhou: For years Cantonese speakers in southern China have complained that local culture is being eroded under orders from Beijing,...

Protesters Gather in Guangzhou to Protect Cantonese Language

The Guardian reports: Up to a thousand protesters gathered in the centre of Guangzhou shouting slogans, before police dispersed them peacefully. A witness said most were in their twenties, although some were middle-aged. The...



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